Bolt Action Progress Part 3

Bolt Action Project Part 3


Here we are again with some 28mm Bolt-Action madness! After roughly two months of painting (and procrastination) I've finally finished painting the bulk of my British 8th Army's infantry in North Africa. Far from completing the 8th Army all together sadly, but at least it wont be more infantry. . . or will it? 

Anyway, in addition to the British, I've also got a few pieces for the Italians to showcase as well. Namely my relatively recently finished Semovente 75/18 assault gun, and my Italeri model CR 42 Falco! What a joy that one was to put together (Not really). But I am fairly pleased with the results. Save for the miss-painted propeller. Though I think it looks cool anyway. You be the judge!


Ta-Da! The 8th Army emerges out of the Egyptian desert!
Ta-da! The 8th Army Emerges from the Egyptian desert!

First squad of the humble British Tommy. Models from Warlord Games.

Second squad

Third Squad

Fourth squad, Sikh edition. Over 300,000 Sikh's served in the British Army during the Second World War. Many of them in the British 8th Army. As tribute to my friend Jeremiah's Sikh army.

Support teams from left to right: Boys Anti-tank rifle team, Medic team, and Two Inch light mortar team.

The officers. Two separate lieutenants, and a senior officer towards the center, enjoying his pipe. Presumably a Captain or a Major.  

A preview of what's to come. A Matilda II infantry tank from Warlord Games!

And here she is! The signature Italian assault gun of WWII, the Semovente 75/18! One of the most successful designs deployed by Italy, the 75/18 was one of the few vehicles deployed by Italy in significant volumes capable of halting the Allied advance.    

A quick size comparison. This particular vehicle is a 1/56th scale model from Warlord Games. One of my favorites yet.

Late war vs. Mid War. Semovente 105/25 adjacent to the 75/18. 

The first (and probably last) plane I've worked on, the Cr 42 Falco. Though obsolete, the Cr 42 was considered one of the most successful biplane designs of the era. Being both fast and agile, pilots within the Cr 42 Flaco were capable of out maneuvering many monoplane designs of the period. The highest scoring biplane ace of the war, not to mention the most successful pilot in the East African theatre, Mario Visintini claimed most of his success in the Falco. 

If this model looks a little large compared to the other vehicles, it's because it's in 1/48th scale as opposed to 1/56th scale like the others.

As a bonus I also painted these marvelous Nile Crocodiles from Dark fable Miniatures. Maybe they'll work as an obstacle for a little pulp flavor in our Bolt-Action games?  

Thanks for reading, till next time!
