Miscellaneous Informal Showcase 1

Miscellaneous Informal Showcase 1


As the title aptly suggests, this one's gonna be all over the place. The models painted in this article don't really fit in any one topic I've covered so far, so I've decided to feature them in a collage instead. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed painting them. Some of these are among my earlier works, so please have mercy!


For those familiar with the series Berserk, should instantly recognize the characters in this photo. Models from Klukva Miniatures, roughly 32mm in scale. Being a near shameless Berserk fanboy, I had to add/paint them, even despite being in a separate scale. Truly exceptional sculpts. Highly recommended.

Zodd, Guts (Golden age), and Casca (also, golden age). Despite Zodd's model being based off a later design, I wanted his base to resemble the scene from his introduction in the golden age arc. All three of these figure's bases I made this way, for that reason. The Guts figures, are the same product with different parts provided within the kit. The sword for golden age Guts I had to trim/convert to resemble his pre-Dragonslayer broadsword. Not bad, no? 

Casca also possessed separate parts for alternate options. Naturally I would choose for them to match with guts, as a pair. 

And for the Golden age's day, these three provide the Post-Eclipse's night. Included are: Skull Knight, Guts (Black Swordsman), and Femto. These three I found much more difficult to base. Primarily because of me agonizing over what there bases should be. It is as of my opinion, that the model with there base is akin to the relationship of a portrait with it's backdrop. Each model capturing a scene of there existence, as if to tell a story.   

That said; I had a particular scene in mind for each one. Skull Knight's resembling a mud field as what would have been encountered, towards the bottom of the Tower of Conviction. Guts's being a cobblestone floor with a severed demon head, intending to resemble a fallen apostle as during the period of the Black Swordsman arc. And Femto's being a floor of inanimate faces, as during his birth at the Eclipse. The severed head was a spare from a Brother Vinni's Mountain horror pack, and Femto's base was from the Kingdom Death board game. 

This lot is a pack of Empress Miniature's Kung Fu School Girls, all painted to resemble various anime characters. The quality of there sculpts vary as with the quality of my painting of them, largely because of the sheer span of time between each sculpt I'd paint. What's' interesting to me is how with each one, I'd change technique with how I'd apply a color or design. Either way, they were a lot of fun to paint. Perhaps one day, I'll get a second pack of them.

From left to right; Suzuka Asahina from Suzuka, Kokoa Shuzen from Rosario+Vampire, a school girl Hinata Hyuga from Naruto, and Miki Hashiba also from Suzuka. 

Again left to right; Kagome Higurashi from InuYasha, nameless anime girl with green hair, and Saya Takagi from Highschool of the Dead. If you have any ideas of whom green hair girl may resemble or should be called, do let me know.

From fiction to non-fiction! Anime to history! From left to right; George Washington by Wargames Illustrated Giants In Miniatures, Julius Caesar also part of Wargames Illustrated's Giants In Miniatures, Socrates by Chronoscope from Reaper Miniatures, and Adolf Hitler by Black Tree Design.  

Another one of my side projects. Silent Hill 2 in 28mm! All models (with the exception of the funny looking blonde guy in the center) were from Grekwood Miniatures. The model of blondie or James Sunderland was a conversion from a Zombie miniature from the fine folks of Studio Miniatures. Really awesome guys, great models. Conversion done by yours truly, with a arm from a Warlord Games Marine boxset and some green putty.   

There are few exceptions were I as an artist fell like I truly captured something authentically. The image of James being startled by the various apparitions of Silent Hill as reflected in his model, is one of those exceptions.  

Originally the sculpt of Pyramid Head was intended to resemble his appearance from the Ill-fated film adaptations. As it turns out there is a great deal of difference between his Film design and his design from the games, particularly Silent Hill 2. Despite this, I had sought to remedy this issue with some conversion action and careful painting. Though far from perfect I feel it comes pretty close.

This lot is of the Lying Figures of Silent Hill 2. Like the figure of Pyramid Head, there sculpts were modeled from there counterparts from the film. In there case though, the differences were largely superficial. The base's are intended to simulate the streets of Silent Hill, were they are largely found.

Surprisingly difficult to paint, the Lying Figures of Silent Hill 2 require a great deal of shading/toning throughout there recesses. The bases were made from air dry clay, and the sign from bits of plastic sprue. 

A lineup of the cast thus far. The nurse being featured from a previous article. Also from Grekwood. I have another set of them as well as lying to paint at some point. Eventually I hope to find convincing models for the rest of the cast. At the very least a model for Mariah. A few mannequins would be nice too. 

And now some femme fatales. Left to right; A geisha from Chronoscope by Reaper Miniatures, Japanese school girl with uzi by Hasslefree Miniatures, Belly Dancer by Eureka Miniatures, Young women with Hello Kitty backpack by Hasslefree Miniatures, and robot women from Chronoscope by Reaper Miniatures.

The geisha was by far the most challenging (and most fun) to paint. The pattern on her kimono is of a cherry blossom tree in autumn, color scheme inspired by a painting done by a distant relative of mine. Her base isn't quite finished though.  

The beginnings of my Pulp collection. Unfortunately also some of my earlier work. Man in the center is a model of H.P. Lovecraft by Lead Adventures Miniatures. The other four are various gangster types from Gorgon Miniatures. 

Mi-go from Mirliton Miniatures, formerly Grenadier. Some of the oldest models in the collection, yet very charming. Painted to emulate the brightly colored illustrations of monsters and aliens from the science fiction pulp magazines of yore, such as Amazing Tales, Astounding, and Fangoria among others. Really captures that "guy in a monster suit" vibe wonderfully.

Left fellow has a lightening gun, while the other a fork and bib. And yes, the bib has a man on it. Just forget the fact Mi-go eat bacteria not flesh, but whatever.  

More Lovecraft/Pulp monsters. From back left to right; a Yithian from Rafm Miniatures, a Ro-Man from Hasslefree Miniatures, a Elder Thing from Rafm Miniatures, and a Chthonian also from Rafm Miniatures.

I don't know if the scaling is accurate to the Mythos, but I am fairly certain Elder Things are only about a foot taller than the average man.

As for the finally, our lord and savior, the almighty, Cthulhu! Standing at 9 inches tall from head to talon (11 inches from top of wings), he's the largest model I've painted to date. Surpassing even the plane! I have my doubts he will get much use, but he'll make a great boss for a session of Strange Aeons. Maybe a campaign of Shadow Over Innsmouth? Model from Reaper Miniatures.  

Thank you as always, till next time!
